Sunday, July 6, 2014

Loose Canons Ep. 25 The Wind Rises

This time we risk life and limb for a podcast no one listens to.

Loose Canons Ep. 25 The Wind Rises

00:00-02:00 The podcast gets really weird really quick
02:00-03:15 Brief Plot Recap: Patrick
03:15-07:30 Liked It (Everyone, Ilya not very much), Disliked It (Nobody!)
07:30-09:00 Basil imitates the movie’s sweet lofi sound design
09:00-11:40 Does the movie lionize or critique Jiro?
11:40-13:45 Reuben doesn’t think it does either
13:45-14:30 "Would you rather live in a world with or without the Pyramids?"
14:30-15:20 Patrick thinks the movie was critical of Jiro
15:20-16:30 Ilya thinks Naoko is instrumentalized as a muse character
16:30-18:55 Basil thinks Miyazaki is ambivalent about the planes and their constructors
18:55-20:30 They’re gonna put guns on it, Jiro
20:30-23:20 Jiro is straightforward & heroic but doesn’t know how to live
23:20-24:40 Everyone in the movie except for his sister enables Jiro
24:40-24:50 God, let Patrick talk!
24:50-26:30 Miyazaki uses Jiro to take stock of his own filmmaking process
26:30-27:30 Jiro’s a dreamer (he’s the only one)
27:30-28:40 Ilya likes the super weird coughing on the soundtrack
28:40-30:00 The sound design and dialogue remind Ilya of Lynch sans irony
30:00-31:00 Miyazaki is just doing his thing at this point
31:00-32:10 Basil likes that the movie doesn’t divide itself into “for adults” and “for kids” parts
32:10-33:30 Contrast/similarity to Spirited Away
33:30-34:10 There’s an ad on the podcast!
34:10-35:30 There’s no talking in the first five minutes of the movie (followed by lots of talking)
35:30-36:50 Jiro’s voice-actor is as restrained as his character’s range of emotion
36:50-37:10 It’s Basil’s birthday!
37:10-39:15 Patrick likes how Jiro’s myopia mirrors his emotional condition
39:15-41:00 Paper plane chase turns into near-death experience
41:00-41:30 Life is pretty miserable isn’t it? Yes, it is.
41:30-43:30 Critique of Japanese valorization of work and big stuff that kicks ass! 
43:30-44:30 Ilya thinks it’s weird that the movie doesn’t show civilian/non-Japanese cost of war
44:30-45:30 Basil thinks awfulness of World War 2 can be inferred
45:30-46:30 Reuben likes the sympathetic portrait and Japanese perspective on WW2
46:30-47:00 Also, Reuben thought Ilya disagreed that Basil liked Dinosaurs as a kid
47:00-48:00 Sentimentalization of Axis powers’ past still gross
48:00-50:20 Brief scene in Germany is evocative of Nazi regime/Jiro’s cluelessness about it
50:20-52:00 Basil thinks not seeing the Axis powers as monsters helps people be more aware of/non-participatory in their ideology
52:00-52:50 Hans Castorp is a stand-in for the Weimar émigré of the late 1930s
52:50-56:10 His invisibility to the characters mirrors the obliviousness of the time
56:10-57:25 Song sounds like it’s from Noriko’s Dinner Table
58:00-59:00 Reuben loves the shot of Nayoko in her wedding dress
59:00-01:00:10 Felliniesque planes
01:00:10-01:01:00 Ilya brings up The Aviator and we discuss Scorsese
01:01:00-01:02:00 De Niro banging his head against the wall in Raging Bull should be a 10-hour Youtube loop
01:02:00-01:03:00 Caproni’s massive plane looks like Howard Hughes’ Hercules
01:03:00-01:04:30 Caproni throwing film into the water is reminiscent of the failures you don’t get to see when watching movies as well as with historiography
01:04:30-01:06:00 Miyazaki’s “every artist gets ten years to do great work” is probably tongue-in-cheek
01:06:00-01:06:30 This movie is much better than Ponyo & Howl’s Moving Castle
01:06:30-01:07:40 Let’s speculate on Studio Ghibli projects!
01:07:40-01:10:00 “From the Studio that brought you…” & other hilarious marketing strategies!
01:10:00-01:10:45 This movie is much, much better than The Aviator
01:10:45-01:12:30 “World War 2 was my favorite war!” – Stephen Spielberg (according to JBaum, via Joe Dante)
01:12:30-01:14:00 Patrick compares Miyazaki’s popularity in Japan to Spielberg in US
01:14:00-01:17:20 Ozu/Mizoguchi/ Kurosawa/Miyazaki/Oshima – Who’s Big In Japan?
01:17:20-01:17:40 Who is even listening anymore?
01:17:40-01:18:15We don’t even have enough ratings on ITunes
01:18:15-01:18:30 Dogs love podcasts!
01:18:30-01:19:30 Miyazaki loves Ozu and Spielberg loves Ran
01:19:30-01:20:30 Basil is now hooked on Russian/Former Soviet Republic movies!
01:20:30-01:21:40 Underworld is the Night Watch of American Cinema
01:21:40-01:22:50 Reuben once ran (surprisingly!) fast to watch Underworld!
01:22:50-01:23:45 Go listen to other podcasts!
01:23:45-01:24:00 TEASER: next time there will be games!
01:24:00-01:24:15 Thanks for listening everybody!

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